Christchurch Chinese Church Cantonese Congregation is established in the year 1997, going into 20th in year 2017. This big family comprised of members with Cantonese speaking background, mainly from places like, Hong Kong, Kwangzhou, Taishan, Tongguan, Shenzhen, Shunte, Malaysia, etc..
We meet every Sunday 1.30pm - 3.00pm to worship our God. You are welcome to join us to know this God, to receive His love. Also to know one another, building better relationship in Christchurh.
Every Sunday 1.30 pm - 3.00 pm we also have wonderful Children Sunday School, allowing children to grow through songs, stories, hand works, games, musical program, etc.. "Play group" lives that allow them to learn to love one another, and to know meaning of life. You are welcome to send your children to join us.
We have different groups, from teenagers, youth, young couples to senior group with different group activities, to take care of the needs of various aged groups. Through group sharing we share about our faith and and experiences in day to day living. You are welcome to join our group activities.